📚REVIEW📚 Awakened
Awakened by Krys Fenner My rating: 4 of 5 stars A quick YA fantasy! First off, I think all cats are magical, not just catalynx like Byglesworth! I think he was my favorite character of all, especially in how he interacted with those around him. Naimh, the main character is 13 years old, & way in over her head. He father had been keeping a secret from her until she started showing signs of her magical talents. I felt so bad for this poor kid, having to deal with issues no child should with almost no information at her disposal. I have to admit, I was angry with her father through most of the book. He kept so much from her, he thinks for her safety, but I think she should have been preparing for her roll in life before hand. My only qualm with the book was the dialect. I think I would have appreciated it more, had I been reading it allowed, instead of in my head, so I could wrap my mouth around the cadence and accent. On the page, it was hard to get into the flow. There w...