Royal's Light: Blog Tour
Title: ROYAL’S LIGHT Series: Fiann Company 2 Author: Vanessa Ross Genre: Paranormal Romance Release: January 31 ROYAL’S LIGHT Synopsis: Separated from her family and clan with no hope to reunite. Evelina holds out hope the love of her life will find her. After a year of disappointment, she gives up. When her baby is stolen by the man who swore to love her, the General of encampment promises her a better life and an opportunity for revenge. She must make a choice—stay a slave of revenge or find the truth behind Kendrix’s betrayal. Kendrix traveled Europe with his band of supernatural warriors in a never ending search for Evelina and his people. When he sends the warriors on a mission to rescue a baby of prophecy, he is unaware of the baby’s parentage. Finding a report from the original camp, he discovers the General is getting married. The woman he swore to protect is in danger. He and his band of warriors check it out but are not prepared for what they find. Join Eve...