EBooks: The Ode of a Grateful Mother
When I first discovered ebooks, I hated the idea. Why would anyone want to trade beautiful paper and ink, for cold hard technology? I’ve always loved the weight of a book in my hand, the feel of the pages under my fingers, the smell of paper, old and new. There’s a certain romance in a hard cover, or paperback, that has nothing to do with any physical relationship. There’s a comfort in opening the worn cover of a book you’ve spent so many hours with before. Just look at these beautiful paperbacks! I hated the idea of the digitalization of words. One day, four or five years ago, I got a Nook for Christmas. I used it a little. It did fit nicely in my purse, and I didn’t have to worry about wrecking the lack of pages. I decided it was all right, but it still wasn’t my favorite. And then I gave birth to my first child. Yes indeed, children change your life. They certainly take a lot of time, and you’re always concerned for their safety. Physical books were now a dang...