📚ARC Review: The Fae King’s Dream

I know, I know, it has been forever since you’ve heard a peep from me. Rest assured, I’m still reading and writing, life is just getting underfoot like a needy toddler. But here you have it, a brand spankin’ new review: The Fae King’s Dream by Jamie Schlosser! REVIEW Another unique fantasy romance from Jamie Schlosser! I love revisiting old characters and getting to know them even better. We had an introduction to wisecracking Damon in The Fae King’s Curse. His fated mate is as strong willed as he is. Whitley and Damon fall in love quickly (fated, of course) its their talents and circumstances that draw you into the story. Their particular magical talents compliment each other so well it’s kinda like they were made to fit together like puzzle pieces. We also get more witches in this one. The evil coven that are still trying to get their revenge on the fae royalty but also more of Astrid. She has become one of my favorite characters but Maisel the sprite takes first pl...