A Turn of Pandemonium by Miranda Brock - Review
A Turn of Pandemonium by Miranda Brock My rating: 5 of 5 stars This book was incredible! I swear, Ms. Brock gets better and better with every book she writes! She took some twisted and terrifying creatures and turned them in a type of family. Peyton is an awesome female character. Does she kick ass? Hecks yeah! But not in the stereotypical man-in-a-woman’s body a lot of urban fantasy uses but real way. (If she were to go to Hogwarts, she’s be a hat-stall between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. She is intensely brave, but she uses wit rather than brawn to solve her problems (that’s not to say she doesn’t make mistakes, because she certainly does, as all well rounded characters should!) ‘If there’s a will, there’s a way’ should be her motto. Ari, her foil/love interest is as complex a character as you can get. He’s just a fella fighting to survive in a world that has never shown him an ounce of love or compassion. Not only that, but his own beastly nature(s) makes him keep everyone a...