
Showing posts from November, 2018

Iiiiiiit's Christmas Time!

Now that we're all done stuffing ourselves with turkey and pie, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are upon us. Oh, and Christmas. And New Years. And-- National Flashlight Day? did I read that right? Oh, it falls on the Winter Solstice. Clever. Anyways, there are lots of things to celebrate, and I'm contributing! Check it out: a Rafflecopter giveaway Awesome, right? Who couldn't use $120? Or books! Or any of the other goodies being given away! This is my particular contribution: No, not the puppy. Puppies don't make good Christmas gifts. They tear things apart, pee on everything, grow into dogs, then turn into old dogs. That's something you've really got to plan for and commit to! But I digress. (My sister in law must be rubbing off on me.) But yeah, I'm giving away a Kindle edition of Beauty is the Beasts and a pair of wolf socks. (I also may have ordered myself some as well, heh!)  Good luck! I'd love it if one of my readers won! (If y...

Wings of the Wicked: Interview Featuring Zachary Copchinski

I love doing author interviews, so when Zach put out the word that he needed to do a few to gain more exposure for the box set he's part of, I was all about it. I've read a few of his book and have loved every word!  Zach brings some awesome characters to life and creates brilliant worlds for them to live in and explore. In the case of his Hall of Doors series, each book is set in a brand new world! Webley and the World Machine is steampunk, Kip and the Grinders is cyberpunk (technopunk?), and his contribution to the Wings of the Wicked box set, Arija and the Burning City, is urban fantasy! So without further ado, here's my interview with Zachary Paul Chopchinski: Q:   Do you have a writing ritual to get you into the zone, or do you dive right in? A: Caffeine and music. If I don’t have both of those then I just can’t write. Q: If you could live in the Hall of Doors world (or Gabriella's!) would you? What kind of role would you have? A: Oh...