Where the heck am I?

Haha, hi! Yeah, I still exist. I'm still writing. And editing. And momming. Oh, and reading! I'm getting down to business. Beauty is the Beast, the first book in my Beasts Among Us series, is currently with my editor. She's almost done with her first run through! She's given me lots of great feedback . . . and corrected lots of grammar. (I really love/hate commas). I can't wait for everyone to read it! (Psst there's a sneak peek at chapter one in my private Facebook group) Zamboni Pack's Lair I've also hired a cover artist, and guys, she's amazingly talented. Check out Mirella Santana's work here: http://mirellasantana.com.br / Especially check out the section services: book covers! Seriously. When I was thinking about publishing years ago, I was browsing DeviantArt, looking for book covers when I stumbled on her little corner of the internet. I fell in love with her stuff, and then I started finding the covers of books I've ...